Peter Bakalár, PH.D.
Dr. Bakalár is an associate professor at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Sports, Slovakia. He holds the master’s degree in Physical Education and Geography and doctoral degree in Sports Educology. He does participate in the implementation, development and quality assurance of the bachelor’s and master’s study programs Sport for Health and doctoral study program Sports Educology. He was/is leading or participating in activities and projects of various national and international organisations focusing on the physical activity research and promotion. He has authored or co-authored multiple peer-reviewed and other publications. Within his teaching, he is committed to the transfer of the most recent scientific knowledge about the physical activity research and promotion to his students. In his leisure time he likes to spend time with his family, being physically active and read books.
Lenka Hnidková, PH.D.
Dr. Hnidková (Tlučáková) is an Associate Professor at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Sports, Slovakia. Her research interests include physical fitness and body composition of children, adults and elderly. Dr. Hnidková has a passion for getting seniors to move more. Her PhD thesis focused on The effect of physical activity on functional fitness in elderly women. She has experience in running physical activity programmes and research projects focused on those population groups on the national and international level. Besides that, she is an active member of Olympic movement in Slovakia and instructor of skiing and Nordic walking.
Peter Bakalár, Ph.D.
Dr. Bakalár is an associate professor at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Sports, Slovakia. He holds the master’s degree in Physical Education and Geography and doctoral degree in Sports Educology. He does participate in the implementation, development and quality assurance of the bachelor’s and master’s study programs Sport for Health and doctoral study program Sports Educology. He was/is leading or participating in activities and projects of various national and international organisations focusing on the physical activity research and promotion. He has authored or co-authored multiple peer-reviewed and other publications. Within his teaching, he is committed to the transfer of the most recent scientific knowledge about the physical activity research and promotion to his students. In his leisure time he likes to spend time with his family, being physically active and read books.
Lenka Tlučáková
Dr. Tlučáková is Lecturer at the University of Presov, Faculty of Sports. Her research interests include physical fitness and body composition of children, adults and elderly. She has experience in running physical activity programmes and research projects focused on those population groups on the national and international level. Besides that, she is an active member of Olympic movement in Slovakia and instructor of skiing and Nordic walking.