Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: C-*
  • Organized Sport and Physical Activity: C
  • Active Play: INC
  • Active Transportation: D
  • Sedentary Behavior: C-
  • Physical Fitness: INC
  • Family and Peers: D+
  • School: C-
  • Community and Environment: B+
  • Government: B*
* The grade is based on mixed data: device-measured and self-reported.

Report Card Leaders

Dr. Helen McAvoy, Director of Policy, Institute of Public Health in Ireland
Dr. Helen McAvoy graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a primary medical degree in 1997 and worked for several years in both hospital and general practice. She completed her MD in 2000 as part of the Masters in Health Promotion programme NUI Galway. She has worked on a number of government programmes relating to ageing and older people. She is now working as Director of Policy with the Institute of Public Health in Ireland focussing on progressing the government’s health inequality agenda in Ireland and Northern Ireland. In this role, she has contributed to a number of reports and policy papers on inequalities in maternal and child health, fuel poverty, tobacco, alcohol and inequalities in the border region.

Dr. Angela Carlin, Lecturer in Exercise and Health (Physiology), Ulster University
Angela is a Senior Lecturer in Exercise and Health at Ulster University, Northern Ireland. Her research interests include the development and evaluation of interventions to promote physical activity in children and adolescents, and the determinants of physical activity across the lifecycle. Angela has been involved in several national and international research projects and supervises doctoral students.

Angela is Principal Investigator on the Y-PATH NI project, involving the development and testing of the Youth – Physical Activity Towards Health intervention in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. Angela’s current research collaborations also include the Walking In ScHools (WISH) Trial: A peer-led, school based walking intervention for adolescent girls, and EUMOVE, an Erasmus+ Project aimed at implementing a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles. Angela recently led the all-island research working group for the 2022 Ireland North and South Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Angela co-leads the Northern Ireland country card, as part of the Global Observatory for Physical Activity.

Prof. Marie Murphy, Professor of Exercise and Health and Dean of Postgraduate Research / Director of the Doctoral College, Ulster University
Marie is Professor of Exercise and Health and Dean of Postgraduate Research / Director of the Doctoral College at Ulster University. Marie is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES) and the Higher Education Academy is a member of the WHO Europe Health Enhancing Physical Activity Steering Committee (HEPA Europe) and former member of the Board of the International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH). She was a member of sub-panel 26 Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and Tourism for the Research Excellence Framework 2014 and is Chair of the sub-panel for REF2021. Marie’s research focuses on the effect of physical activity and exercise, in particular walking, on health and uses multidisciplinary approach which includes outcome measures ranging from the behavioural to the biochemical. Marie is PI on a number of funded research projects including the Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials (CHITIN) funded Walking In ScHools (WISH) trial. Marie has over 120 peer-reviewed papers and has been involved as an author in the UK and Irish national physical activity guidelines (2011 Start Active Stay Active) and led the review of the UK Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults published in 2019.


Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: D
  • Organized Sport Participation: C-/C+
  • Active Play: INC
  • Active Transportation: D
  • Sedentary Behaviors: C-
  • Family and Peers: INC
  • School: D
  • Community and Built Environment: B+
  • Government Strategies and Investments: INC

Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: D-
  • Organized Sport Participation: C-
  • Active Play: INC
  • Active Transportation: D
  • Sedentary Behaviors: C-
  • Family and Peers: INC
  • School: C-
  • Community and Built Environment: B
  • Government Strategies and Investments: INC