28 Mar SAVE THE DATE: AHKGA Webinar on Global Matrix 5.0 – April 9 and 10, 2024!
The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) has resumed the series of webinars to discuss topics of common interest related to the Global Matrix 5.0. The webinars will be conducted via Zoom and will feature a presentation by AHKGA speakers (15-20 min) followed by interactive discussions (30-45 min).
The second webinar from the 2023-2024 series is titled “Global Matrix 5.0: General Information and Funding Seeking Strategies” and will be held on April 9 or 10, 2024. The agenda will cover general information (timelines, fees, challenges, mentorship, participation of multiple regions within a country, benefits of participating in the Global Matrix, etc.), funding opportunities/approaches to assist Report Card leaders in their funding-seeking efforts, and any other items that may arise. To accommodate different time zones, we plan to hold two webinars on this topic, covering the same agenda items. The details are below.
Webinar 2A
Topic: Global Matrix 5.0: general information and funding-seeking strategies
Date: April 9, 2024 at 9 pm (21:00) EDT (Ottawa time) (UTC–4)
Chairs: Dr. Mark Tremblay (AHKGA President) and Dr. Salomé Aubert (AHKGA Vice-President)
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82169496417?pwd=eHVwSVEyVmJnQjBUZVFHZnowUitMUT09
Meeting ID: 821 6949 6417
Passcode: 588075
Webinar 2B
Topic: Global Matrix 5.0: general information and funding-seeking strategies
Date: April 10, 2024 at 10 am EDT (Ottawa time) (UTC–4)
Chairs: Dr. Mark Tremblay (AHKGA President) and Dr. Salomé Aubert (AHKGA Vice-President)
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86322885046?pwd=cFVQRm8reExMQTBiY1dRUXNXK3VGQT09
Meeting ID: 863 2288 5046
Passcode: 680917
All members of the AHKGA network are invited to join! For those unable to attend synchronously, we plan to record the sessions and share the links afterwards.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinars!