03 Mar Dr. Salomé Aubert becomes the first AHKGA fellow!
As the AHKGA has secured some financial support, the AHKGA Board of Directors took the decision to launch a new “AHKGA Fellowship” program – one Fellow per Global Matrix to help build capacity and leadership within the sector.
The AHKGA Fellow will provide support for the Global Matrix initiative including managing the global harmonization process, helping with writing papers, developing evaluation procedures, facilitating collaboration between countries, preparing infographics, providing coaching/consulting, assisting with launch preparations and other tasks as assigned. The Fellowship includes a $25,000 (Canadian Dollar) stipend, an internship at the AHKGA office in Ottawa, Canada and travel support will ensure the Fellow can attend the launch of the Global Matrix.
For the Global Matrix 5.0 and beyond, a call will go out to the AHKGA network, and an application process (criteria, eligibility, responsibility) will be developed and posted on the AHKGA website. The Selection Committee will include the AHKGA Executive plus all previous Fellows.
For this first AHKGA Fellowship, due to time limits, it was decided by the AHKGA Board of Directors to select Dr. Salomé Aubert as the inaugural AHKGA Fellow. Dr. Aubert has been intimately involved in the last two editions of the Global Matrix and her knowledge of the project will greatly assist in the success of the Global Matrix 4.0.
In addition to the responsibilities listed previously, Salomé will help develop the terms of reference for the AHKGA Fellowship program.
Congratulations to Dr. Salomé Aubert!