27 May France’s 2020 Report Card on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Youth: Results and Progression
Congratulations to the Report Card team from France on their recent paper titled “France’s 2020 Report Card on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Youth: Results and Progression” that was just published (online ahead of print) in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health! Citation details and a summary of the paper are below.
Fillon A, Genin P, Larras B, et al. France’s 2020 Report Card on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Youth: Results and Progression [published online ahead of print, 2021 May 26]. J Phys Act Health. 2021;1-7. doi:10.1123/jpah.2021-0025
Background: There is an alarming and constant worldwide progression of physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors in children and adolescents. The present paper summarizes findings from France’s 2020 Report Card on physical activity for children and youth, comparing its results to its 2 previous editions (2016 and 2018). Methods: France’s 2020 Report Card follows the standardized methodology established by the Active Healthy Kids Global Matrix, grading 10 common physical activity indicators using the best available evidence. The grades were informed by national surveys, peer-reviewed literature, government and nongovernment reports, and online information. Results: The expert panel awarded the following grades: Overall Physical Activity: D; Organized Sport Participation and Physical Activity: C−; Active Play: INC; Active Transportation: C−; Sedentary Behaviors: D−; Family and Peers: D−; Physical Fitness: D; School: B−; Community and the Built Environment: F; Government: C. Conclusions: This 2020 edition of France’s Report Card again highlights the alarming levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviors among French children and adolescents, calling for the development of effective national action. It also draws attention to the particular deleterious effects of the COVID-19 confinement on youth’s movement behaviors, which significantly worsened the situation.
The full publication can be accessed here.