Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: F
  • Organized Sport and Physical Activity: INC
  • Active Play: INC
  • Active Transportation: D
  • Sedentary Behavior: B
  • Physical Fitness: INC
  • Family and Peers: INC
  • School: C-
  • Community and Environment: INC
  • Government: B*
* For non-Government indicators, the grade is based on mixed data: device-measured and self-reported. For the Government indicator, the HEPA 2 approach, developed by Wales (Ward et al. 2020), is used to assess this indicator.

This report card was produced in partnership with the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance and the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Human Kinetics with support from Sun Life Philippines as part of its purpose of helping people live healthier lives.

Report Card Leaders

Jonathan Y. Cagas, Ph.D.
Jonathan Cagas is an Associate Professor at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman College of Human Kinetics. He received his Bachelor of Sports Science and M.Sc. in Physical Education from UP Diliman and completed the European Master in Sport and Exercise Psychology program at the University of Jyväskylä and Leipzig University. Jonathan completed his Ph.D. at the University of Southern Queensland under the Physically Active Lifestyles Research Group. His Ph.D. focused on understanding the barriers, facilitators, and motives for yoga participation among men. In general, his research interests revolve around the psychological and social factors influencing physical activity participation.

Marla Frances T. Mallari, Ph.D.
Marla Frances Mallari is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sports Science at the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Human Kinetics. She has a Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and an M.Sc. in Human Movement Science from the University of the Philippines Diliman and completed her Ph.D. in Sports Science from Mahidol University in Thailand. She is a member of the Exercise is Medicine® Philippines’ National Advisory Council and a co-founding member of the Sports Nutrition Association of the Philippines.